Specified Commercial Transactions - Turn Group
Display Based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Law
Service Name
  • TurnTrade
  • Coaching
Seller Turn Group KK
Operations Manager Nicholas John Goold
Location 36-6 Udagawacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0042, World Udagawa Building 6F
Phone Number
  • Customer Service for Specified Commercial Transactions Law: 03-4405-9174
  • Business Hours: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • *Excludes weekends, national holidays, and company-designated holidays
  • *For inquiries regarding the use of Turn Group, please use the "contact form."
Email Address customer@turngroup.co.jp
Sale Price Contents can be purchased individually and downloaded. Sale prices are listed on the purchase screen for each content.
Additional Fees Consumption tax, communication fees

*Communication fees vary depending on the customer's communication contract

Delivery Time and Available Period Delivery Time: Immediately after payment process is complete. (May take time due to system reasons.) Available Period: Unless it becomes impossible to continue sales, it is available. However, contents with usage time restrictions are available only during the specified period.
Payment Method
  • Credit card payment (VISA, American Express, Master, JCB, Diners Club)
Payment Deadline Payment by credit card is subject to the conditions set by your credit card company.
Method of Return and Exchange

Content returns (cancellations) are not accepted.

Service Cancellation

Immediate cancellation is possible. However, the payment made will not be refunded.

System Requirements The system requirements vary depending on the content and product. Please check before use. (To use/view, OS software, internet browser software, and specific environment restrictions may apply, or plugin software may be required.)
Content Issues If there is any defect or issue with the content, it can be re-downloaded from the site. However, if sales have ended, the re-download period will also end. If you have any questions, please contact us via the contact form.