Privacy policy - Turn Group

Privacy Policy

Turn Group Co., Ltd. may use advertisements delivered by third parties, including Google and related, these third parties may collect and use cookie information, advertising identifiers, and other data such as visits to and app usage and behavioral information from users who visit

The cookie information and advertising identifiers collected by these third parties are handled according to their privacy policies.

Users can stop the use of cookie information and advertising identifiers by these third parties for ad delivery in the following ways: For browsers, by accessing the opt-out page provided on the third party’s website; for apps, by accessing the advertising identifier settings screen on the device.

*For detailed settings, please check the guidance provided by the OS providers, such as Apple and Google.

Purposes of Using Personal Information

  • For sending newsletters
  • For notifications related to services and products
  • For creating statistical data used in planning and promoting services and products
  • For identity verification during disclosure, correction, deletion of registration details, etc.

About Providing Personal Information

The personal information obtained from customers will not be provided or disclosed to third parties.

About Disclosure of Personal Information

If customers wish to disclose, correct, etc., their personal information, we will respond promptly.

For inquiries and corrections, please contact the contact information below.

About Entrusting Handling of Personal Information

The handling of obtained personal information may be wholly or partially entrusted.

Request for Stopping Use and Provision

Even if we are using the information with the customer’s consent, if a customer requests to stop the use and provision of the information, we will promptly cease its use. However, information that is minimally necessary for our operations cannot be deleted.

Stopping emails, phone calls, or direct mail from our company can be done by contacting the contact information below.

However, please individually request to stop the use of newsletters and online registration.

Details Regarding Disclosable Personal Information

  • (1) Business Name: Turn Group Co., Ltd.
  • (2) Personal Information Protection Manager: Nicholas John Gould
  • (3) All purposes of using disclosable personal information as stated in “Purposes of Using Personal Information”
  • (4) Complaints regarding the handling of disclosable personal information should be directed to the contact information below.

Contact for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information Handling

Turn Group KK

Phone: 03-4405-9174

Reception hours: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)

Email: []

January 21, 2014

Turn Group KK

Representative Director: Nicholas John Goold